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blogWriter Sharman Burson Ramsey Blog




A Simply Southern Wedding.





Order through Mercer University Press





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Fill out the document and save as Attorney questionanaire with your name
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Questionnaire for the History of the Houston County Bar
Committee to write the book consists of: Julia Trant, Tom Sorrells, Joel Ramsey
and the Houston County, Alabama, Heritage Association


Name:_____________________________________________ Birthdate_________ Birthplace__________


Wife________________________Maiden_________________Birthdate _________ Birthplace_________


Father______________________________ _______________Birthdate__________Birthplace__________


Mother______________________Maiden_________________Birthdate _________ Birthplace_________


High School_____________________________College______________________ Law   _____________


Year you entered practice___________________Addresses of 0ffices______________________________


(Please attach pictures, if possible)


  1. Did you hear Oscar Tomkins speech “SOBs I Have Known in the Houston County Bar”?  Can you share with us what you remember of that speech?  Feel free to attach other sheets if this is inadequate.






  1. What Judges do you remember?  Do you have special memories you can share?  Specific to a certain trial?  Physical characteristics?  Idiosyncrasies?  Sayings?  Unusual practices in court?  Tales you have heard……Pictures?








  1. What other attorneys do you recall who stand out in your memory?  Specific to a certain trial?  Physical characteristics?  Idiosyncrasies?  Sayings?  Unusual practices in court?  Tales you have heard……Pictures?




  1. What other people in the court system do you recall who stand out in your memory?  Specific to a certain trial?  Physical characteristics?  Idiosyncrasies?  Sayings?  Unusual practices in court?  Tales you have heard……Pictures?



  1. Share whatever else you think might help make a good book and know you are welcome to be involved with the process.



Copyright 1996  These are my own working genealogy files that I share with you.  The errors are my own.  But, perhaps they will give you a starting point.  All original writing is copyrighted.  Webmaster

Copyright 1996  These are my own working genealogy files that I share with you.  The errors are my own.  But, perhaps they will give you a starting point.  All original writing is copyrighted.  Webmaster